WKRKC Summer Series: Round 5

Youth trumps experience in round 5!


Round 5 of the WKRKC again saw another sell-out event with a full grid of 12 drivers competing for top spot over 3 – 15 lap heats, this round saw the racing taking part on the reverse track layout.
The racing this time round was incredibly tense and close, the top 10 drivers in each race heat spanning just 10 seconds! One mistake and you could easily drop from 1st to 10th!


1st – Harvey Yates – Harvey becomes the first driver in four rounds to beat Jack Goring to the top spot! He took a well-deserved 3rd and 2nd place finish in his meaningful heats, ending up on 27 points.
2nd – Jack Goring managed to fight his way from the lower end of the grids, ending up on 25 points in total with 2, 3rd place finishes and a fastest lap bonus point to boot from his second heat.
3rd – Youngster Raff Mitchell rounds off the top 3, with 23 points in total taking a race heat win in heat 1! Raff is continuing to show good race craft and is testament to both his skill and the young driver program we run here at Wight Karting.

The racing was so close this round that just 8 points separated the top 8 drivers in the final order! One position gained or lost would make all the difference.
Also, a special mention must go Thomas Edgson, another of the Junior Track Day graduates, who managed to keep experienced racers behind him in the final heat to take his first heat win under lots of pressure!
The Final of the summer series, Round 6 will be on the 8th of September running on the standard track layout, with a 5:50pm arrival. This will highly likely be another sell out event so booking early is strongly advised!

Book here for Round 6


The current Championship table:

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